Friday, September 13, 2024

Little by Little...

I started working/playing on a baby play/floor quilt again.
Its been hanging on the design wall for a year & a half, so it was time to
"get it done".
I started by stitching several appliqué pieces that needed the edges secured... 
then I added a "small center piece" to join the rows...
Now I'm working on the last piece to be added to one side.
I can see a flimsy finish that's NoT TOO far into the future...
* * * * *

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

At Least I've Had...

A FiNiSH this month...
A medium sized zipper closing pouch was completed this week... yippee... 
and I'm pretty HaPPy with it too considering it was an orphan block.
It's earmarked as a donation.
* * * * *

Saturday, September 7, 2024

My FNwF...

I haven't found my MoJo yet after being away for so long... I can't seem to settle on any one project... BuT I did manage to  PLaY  with an orphan block last night.
A little quilting & a little prep work for applique was all I could manage.
Oh well... at least it's something.
I hope you all accomplished more than I did... 😢

You can see what others got up to via this blog... HeRe 
OR by visiting Facebook... FNwF

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Back in The CubbyHole

 I returned home & eventually found my way into the sewing room again... albeit after catching up on various household chores.
The first project I worked on was cutting & then sewing a few QAYG blocks...
 AND guess what ? 

it's now time to sign up for Friday Night with Friends for September...
You're all invited to get together on Friday Sept 6th... for a night of stitching.
What will YoU be working on?
I know I have a lot to catch up on so I will choose something tomorrow...
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Thursday, August 1, 2024


 Please join in this Friday (tomorrow) for our monthly get together...
I'm away ATM so won't be joining you all, BuT I hope you can sign up so other crafters can visit you to see what you got up to at FNwF.
EnJoY  FNwF...  by using your blog address here OR on Facebook... search FNwF

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Sunday, July 14, 2024

M.R. Finishes...

 Ooops... I forgot to post my JuNe finishes... a total of 10
* * * * *

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Oh My Goodness... where did the month of June go??????
As we have started a new month... its time for our monthly get together...
Simply add your blog address to the link below... OR...
join us on Facebook on Friday night... search FNwF
Either way I'd Love to have your company.

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