Wednesday, November 8, 2017

A MaTcHinG SeT

I managed to sneak in a little playtime in the cubbyhole last night... making another TriAngle Pouch. 
This time I also made a matching flat zip pouch which I'll pair together & give them away as a gift.
I know I'm early this month for 1 Xmas Item a Month but I wanted to add my item.
I haven't missed a month this year... yippee...
Thanks Narelle... I wouldn't get half as much done if you weren't hosting this monthly group.
I also used stash & zips I had on hand... so another 2 items have been added to the list.

You can visit Narelle & the elves over                           HeRe...

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I may not always respond BuT I do love reading what you wrote... xox