Saturday, January 20, 2018


I added a bright GReeN binding to yet another PlayQuilt last night.
started to sew the binding down... but then went onto other small projects...
I sat & finished stitching the binding this morning... yeah !
This makes TuMMy TiMe PLayQuiLT number 6.
Julie machine quilted it using a "Kites" pattern & the final measurement is 34 inch x 44 inch.

I also filled all the White/Neutral/Black bobbins in my box. They are now sitting waiting to be used.
LoVe having lots of full bobbins on hand.
Then I made a vinyl & fabric pouch which is to be filled with pellets & "toys" to find.
More on this later once it's filled... & the sewing completed.

Thank you Wendy for having me over. It always motivates me to get a little bit on sewing in.
You can visit Wendy HeRe to see what others got up to last night.
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  1. Such a cute quilt. Great idea about the bobbins. May just have to "borrow" that one myself.

  2. Another lovely quilt, yes a great idea with the bobbins. The fabric pouch looks great.

  3. Lovely quilt Cheryll! I need a 'sew'retary to do my bobbins.....feels good to be all ready to go x

  4. Sweet quilt... I also like having a bunch of bobbins ready....

  5. You are really on a roll with all those cute Tummy Time Quilts. Nice to have Julie to do the quilting.
    What a great idea to have a box of full bobbins...

  6. Clever idea to have a box of bobbins! Looks like you had a great FNSI! x

  7. Looks like a productive FNSI. Have to agree with the others that the bobbin box is a great idea.

  8. Your quilt is sweet, love the plastic pouch too! You had a productive night.

  9. Another cute quilt
    Great idea with the bobbins So frustrating to be in the middle of a project and run out

  10. Another lovely finish. You are zooming along with these panels.
    Smart move with the bobbins.

  11. What a busy beaver - love the vinyl & fabric pouces - clever idea.


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