Saturday, June 15, 2019

BLooM # 17... #18... # 19

Three more blocks added at this party...although the sashing is still needed.
Still... I'm pretty happy that I managed 3 blocks this time.

As this month has a fifth Saturday... I'll host another party on JuNe 29th...
where hopefully I'll have the last of all 20 of the original blocks in Lori Holt's quilt completed.
Then I'll only have a few repeat blocks to make to reach my required size.

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  1. Three lovely Blooms, Cheryll!

    Thanks so much for hosting this sew-along. It has been great to keep me motivated to get this quilt done.

  2. Such pretty is going to be a lovely quilt x

  3. Those look so nice. It's been a fun SAL.


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