Tuesday, June 25, 2019

UsinG Up a BLocK

I had a left over or ORPHaN  block from a "Xmas" block swap group I was in many years ago...
so this month I decided to make it into a cushion for my home.
It's just a simple envelope style cushion cover using a LoG CaBiN block, but I'm quite HaPPy with it.
I also used up a spare insert I had on hand too... so it was a win/win situation.

I will add this project to the 1XiAM group... with Narelle... from over HeRe.
Thanks again Narelle for the encouragement to make something for Christmas each month.

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  1. lovely cushion... I am wondering if I sent that block - so many of the fabrics are familiar and I was in the block swap many years ago too....

    Great use of a spare block.....


  2. I always like log cabin blocks and the christmas looks lovely as a cushion....

  3. Love the backing fabric :) Love the log cabin blocks too :)

  4. Beautiful finish and that's a WIN to me! Great job!

  5. Hi Chez beautiful work my friend,still travelling ,hope you and the girls have a wonderful time in Melb xx

  6. Okay - this is just great. I love the block - love the back and love that it was simple. You rock!

  7. Love this one. Always nice to scatter a few xmas cushions around to brighten up for the season.


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