Monday, August 5, 2019

A FeW ProJeCTs

My BLooM quilt needed working on again... so...
a repeat of BLocK 5BLocK 7 & BlocK 15 were completed.
Only 2 blocks remain...

A small Christmas project was started too... & almost finished.
I just need to hand sew one little seam on it.

The embroidery on blocks 5  & 7 of the Girls Day Out quilt was completed as well.
Then both sets of borders were added... so they're both now ready for the next row.

I am no longer adding any buttons to this quilt... 
so I will embroider little teddy bears on the shelf later.

* * * * *


  1. It is lovely to see what you are working on. Lovely projects.

  2. You’re making me tired just looking at all you have achieved. Beautiful work.

  3. Pretty BlooMs ......
    The Christmas project looks interesting and well done with your Girls Day Out blocks...

  4. Lots of wonderful projects happening at your place.

  5. Wow! Look at you go! Lots of fun things to work on. I'm afraid I've let my Bloom blocks languish. In the meantime I've picked up several new projects. Story of my life! Hahaha

  6. I haven't visited for a while but you have done so much. Love your girls day out quilt and the small projects.

  7. Wow you have been busy - love the Girls Day out Quilt blocks - you are so clever. Glad I'm not the only one who works on more than one project at a time.

  8. You have been very busy with your lovely projects x


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