Sunday, September 1, 2019

It's SePTemBeR ...

I managed to sew one SMaLL Xmas gift before we left on our trip.
I wanted to keep up my monthly challenge so this post has been scheduled.
It's another simple LoLLie JaR CoVer... this time in red & white.
It was made using scraps of fabric... hence it's a tad shorter than normal.
It was filled with lollies too ... but just to see how the finished product looked.
It's now been emptied & placed in the gift box.

Thanks Narelle for motivating me to make a gift for the month of September even though I'm out of the country. You can see what other items are on display for 1Xiam... by visiting HeRe.

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  1. Sheryll they will look lovely under the Christmas tree or given straight as gifts, and filling them with goodies makes them extra special.

    Safe travels my friend.


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