Thursday, October 10, 2019

HeadinG Off

to my DD#2 home for a week before driving up to BaTHurST for our annual retreat next Thursday.
I think there are approx 2o ladies attending... so I'm looking forward to catching up... chatting... laughing... and of course SeWinG for 4 wonderful days.
I've loaded up on projects so fingers crossed I will get to work on & perhaps finish a few items.
See you all in a week & a 1/2 ...


  1. Safe travels and have a wonderful time away xx

  2. Hahha, you don't need a home, you are never there. Have a great time.

  3. I'm heading to retreat this weekend. Have a fabulous time with DD#2 followed by a fab time with your quilty friends! See you in later!

  4. Enjoy your DD visit and the retreat...

  5. Hi Chez hope you have a wonderful time with K and the girls,safe travels my friend xx

  6. Have a wonderful time. Hope you gets lots done - either projects or chatting.


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I may not always respond BuT I do love reading what you wrote... xox