Saturday, October 5, 2019

I'm.... B-a-c-k...

AnD I'm HaPPy to be here too... although we had a wonderful 6 weeks away... I missed my sewing room & seeing what my friends were up to... so last night I joined in FNwF with you all.

I made a plan... took some measurements... sourced suitable fabric from my stash...  then cut away.
About 2 hours later ... I had stitched a yoga mat CaRRy BaG for hubby.
He's been waiting very patiently... so last night I thought it was time to get busy.
It came together quite quickly really.
He says it's perfect too... so I'm a HaPPy STiTcHeR this morning...👍

How did you all go last night?  I hope you all accomplished what you set out to do...
I'll drop over to your place sometime over this L-O-N-G weekend...

EnJoY... 👀😀

* * * * *


  1. Welcome home! Wow that's a great yoga wonder hubbys pleased xx

  2. So good to have you back my friend ,but happy you had a wonderful holiday.
    No wonder R is happy this is a great idea and the perfect way for carrying it around with you,well done.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend ,hopefully you will get some more time in the pool. Xxxx

  3. Welcome Home...
    You found great fabric to make Hubby's yoga mat..
    Enjoy the long weekend.

  4. It's funny how much we miss our machines while we are away. He is going to be so thrilled with your project.

  5. Great project to make for your hubby, perfect for carrying his mat.
    Nice to see you back.

  6. Welcome back and great to be back sewing... lovely bag for Hubby's yoga mat.. great idea...

  7. Great result. Lovely to see you back stitching away!

  8. Glad you enjoyed your trip. Good to see you back here though and you made good use of your evening, great bag. xx

  9. Welcome home! A great finish too x


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I may not always respond BuT I do love reading what you wrote... xox