Monday, December 23, 2019

December OPAM

In the month of December... I finished 4 items...
As Christmas is almost upon us I won't be making anything else in 2019.

I would like to THANK Kris... found over HeRe...
for all the hard work tallying the numbers every month.

Hopefully we'll all be back in 2020...

* * * * *


  1. A great achievement, considering it is such a busy month.

  2. Hi Chez lovely finishes my friend,wishing you a Merry Xmas xx

  3. Great job! Who wouldn't want these gifts??! This month is a busy month and we've got family due in today. Surprisingly the house looks pretty good at this point. There's cookies to be made yet so I'm off. Merry Christmas to you & yours, Cheryll!

  4. lovely finishes.. you did well considering everything else happening....
    Happy Christmas

  5. Lovely ornies and what beauties your daughters are. I just love the idea of all the family members joining in for the travel too. The very best life has to offer is times like these. Hope 2020 will be a marvellous year for you and yours!!

  6. 4 lovely finishes in a very busy month. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas x


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I may not always respond BuT I do love reading what you wrote... xox