Wednesday, December 4, 2019

LasT MonTH of

FriDaY NiGHT with FrienDS... for 2019...
so come on... join in... and perhaps you'll complete one last sewing project.
It's very simple... you just add your link below... work away at your leisure on Friday night, then over the weekend share what you did. We'll all come over to visit & congratulate you on your achievement.
Even one stitch is an improvement... so you have nothing to loose...

Unfortunately I won't be joining you this time... 😪... as our DD#2 has had her beautiful wedding & we're still celebrating... ha ha

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  1. Congratulations on your DD's wedding!
    Looking forward to see the rest of you on Friday night,

  2. Congratulations on your daughters wedding, enjoy the celebrations.

  3. Good morning my friend cant wait to see the pics ,enjoy your cruise with the Canadians ,safe travels Chez xx

  4. Congratulations on your Daughters wedding....have a wonderful time xx

  5. Congratulations to your DD and new hubby... enjoy your celebrating...
    Thanks for putting up the links, will work on Bonnie Hunter Mystery...

  6. A wedding! Wonderful, have fun. xx

  7. It will all be secret stuff - but I'll be joining in!


I really appreciate you taking the time to leave me a comment.
I may not always respond BuT I do love reading what you wrote... xox