Friday, January 24, 2020

WooFa for January

January was CHaLLenGe month #1...

I made the binding AnD the label earlier in the month...

This quilt top had been finished for quite a  l-o-n-g  time but needed to be quilted... & I was NeVeR going to get to do it. I sent it off to Fiona earlier this month for custom quilting... & by the way it's wonderful... so I got to actually ADD the binding & the label this month.

Although it's been hidden away until now, the quilt is now ready for next Xmas... but ... as it's been waiting for YeARs... another 11 months won't hurt.

The Night Before Christmas quilt is finally completed...
so that's 1 project ticked off  The WOOFA LIST... ✔
also an item for 1XiAM too... found HeRe.

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AND... I also made a gOOd start on Miss S's quilt this month too...
I had the fabric picked out... the backgrounds cut & the 2 x sashing strips all labelled... but hadn't started any of the applique'.

During the month I traced out the most of the templates... then I fused appropriate fabric for the large center piece block & completed the blanket stitching on it as well...

Then I worked on Blocks 6 & 8 and I'm happy to report....they're finished too...

so GReaT progress was made on another challenge this month as well.

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  1. Love `y`our night before Christmas` finish. I should get back to mine which I was doing with a friend. She`s not been well so I think I`d best get mine going again by myself!! Happy Stitching.

  2. Oh my goodness, what a gorgeous Christmas quilt - I love the mouse in the first panel.

  3. well it pays to be ready early for Christmas - it always comes so quick... a really lovely quilt (and thank you for your kind words) .... I love the little castle quilt too.... so sweet.... have a wonderful weekend...

  4. Great progress for January! It is always nice to tick something off the list.

  5. WOW! Night Before Christmas is beautiful AND finished. Lovely!!!! Good start on the Princess's quilt too.

  6. What a great start to the year with finishing " 'Twas the night before Christmas " and starting the gorgeous princess quilt with the castle and crowns....

  7. Well done on the finish of your Christmas quilt and a great start on the applique for the next one.

  8. Love your Christmas quilt - Fiona does such a great job!
    The quilt for Miss S is looking gorgeous - so girly!!

  9. Your christmas quilt is lovely. What a great finish.
    And a great start on the next one too. So pink and pretty and girly. Someone will be very happy with that.

  10. How good to have your Christmas quilt all done for next year. It will be a beautiful addition to your decorations. Miss S’s quilt is also lovely. You’ve had a very productive month.

  11. You are very busy.
    The finished Christmas quilt is delightful. Great to have it ready so early in the year.
    And I love the start you have made to your new quilt. Gorgeous colous in those blocks.

  12. Gorgeous quilt and love the sweet princess castle and crowns.
    I've made progress on a WOOFA :)

  13. What a great first WOOFA finish...such a great quilt x

  14. I love Christmas quilts and am still working on one here in January. Yours is really cute! Also like your little castle quilt.

  15. Fabulous start to the new year! The Christmas quilt is so lovely.

  16. Love your Christmas quilt......such a cute mouse. Pretty castle and crown blocks.

  17. Fabulous progress on Miss S's quilt. It's super cute. The Christmas quilt looks great.

  18. Your Night Before Christmas is gorgeous - well done on the finish! And a great start to Miss S's quilt too - your Woofa list got a good workout this month!


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I may not always respond BuT I do love reading what you wrote... xox