Saturday, March 14, 2020

DuRinG the WeeK...

My sewing cubbyhole got a well needed CLeAN Up... and I still managed to...
1... Cut up some scrap flannel to make a PICU cot quilt... & then finish it...

2... Cut the remaining flannel scrap I had on hand for another charity quilt...

3... Played with some fabric & partially made a "Poppins" bag...

4... Partially prepared an applique block for "Once Upon a Time" quilt...
Perhaps over the weekend I'll get the remaining blocks prepared...🤞

* * * * *


  1. You’ve done well. Lots to show for your efforts.

  2. Great job! Everything looks great.

  3. Very productive week ... great job! My sewing space(s) could use a good sprucing up too. Wish you were here! Lol!

  4. A very productive week! The dragon on your once upon a time block looks so cute x

  5. Good job on top of a clean up... did you find projects you had forgotten about.... I love the look of your Poppin bag...

  6. Well done cleaning the Cubbyhole and still managing to finish PICU quilt and work on other projects too.

  7. Busy Bee! Cleaning usually gets in the way but it looks like you zoomed along getting projects ready!
    The Poppins bag looks interesting.


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I may not always respond BuT I do love reading what you wrote... xox