Friday, April 17, 2020

WeeK 4... PhYsiCaL DiSTanCinG...

I hope everyone is managing to stay safe... AnD sane...
This WiLL end & some form of normality will be within reach for most of us. 
I miss visits from my children & hugs from grandies terribly...

I completed block  of my Santa's Tree Skirt... by adding all possible embroidery.
I enjoy the combination of applique and embroidery so I'm looking forward to tracing out the next block... BLiTZeN...
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I also heard a "pouch" calling to me... saying... make me ...make me ...
So I did...
I made another simple one too... both have a zip closing & both are fully lined...
& I'm happy to advise... I'm NOT hearing voices any more... 🙋
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I also played with  "curves"... & ... managed to sew a few blocks together...
More on this project later...
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After finding a CuTe partial panel or fabric piece... from who knows where...
& adding a few borders to make it to size 24in x 30in...
I now have another PICU cot quilt flimsy.
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I finished the embroidery & applique on the last block of my Girls Day Out quilt...
I added the borders too... so now I can finish sewing the quilt together.
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  1. My goodness you are steaming ahead with all these projects
    Physical distancing must be good for production
    Hard on the heart though
    I still have not put the borders on my GDO One day So much else to do I think I enjoyed the stitching to much and now a little of the interest has gone
    Take care Stay well

  2. Wow! You have been sew busy! Lovely progress and your stitchery block is lovely.
    Are we FNwFing this week?

  3. Hi Chez wow you sure have been busy. How wonderful finishing your last block of girls day out,I am looking forward to seeing it sewn up.
    Your two little pouches are so cute wonderful gifts,your tree skirt is coming along beautifully,well done on all your beautiful work xx

  4. It's great we have our sewing to keep us busy at this time..
    Very hard not having physical contact with family and friends...
    Good progress on the tree skirt , cute panel/fabric for the PICU and your two pouches are good to pop in your gift box.

  5. The tree skirt is coming along nicely.
    Sweet little pouches and the curve is very interesting.
    Great idea with the panel. And well done getting to the last block of Girls Day Out!!!

  6. you are on a roll... lovely projects...

  7. You are getting lots of wonderful projects done.

  8. I love everything you are working on. The drunkards path blocks look a bit easier than the little ones I am doing. Looking forward to seeing what they will become.

  9. Wow you have been very busy! The Santa's tree skirt is extra cute and those pouches look lovely and useful too - glad you listened to those voices in your head!


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I may not always respond BuT I do love reading what you wrote... xox