Wednesday, April 1, 2020

WOOFA ufo #4... &... FNwF

Once Upon A Time... Miss Sophie's quilt... needs to be completed this month... Yikes... it's actually her BiRTHDaY MonTH... so I'm cutting it a little close ...
 I better get a move on...

Have you chosen your challenge project this month?
The One & Only good thing about social distancing & staying home is... we get more time to SeW...

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It's Time...
to sign up for our on-line socially distanced get together called... 
Simply add your blog address to the link below & EnJoY a night with friends.
At this particular time in all communities it's very important that we keep in contact. 
It's good for our souls AND more importantly our mental health... 
So with this in mind I think we should have 
FNwF on the 1st & 2nd Fridays each month 
until this virus is eradicated. 
And visit Wendy HeRe for FNSI on 3rd Friday monthly.

So... I hope I'll see you on Friday night... April 3rd & then again on April 10th.

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  1. I'm in thanks Cheryll... Sew good to sew along with all my online friends and three nights is great...
    Still busy with my Flip Flop Scraps for WOOFA challenge.....

  2. Great idea to add in an extra night. xx

  3. Looking forward to sewing with my friends! See you then!

  4. Looking forward to a night of virtual sewing, the extra night will be great.

  5. What a great idea. We all need to stay focused and busy.

  6. I'm looking forward to starting work on my next UFO on Friday. Bring it on!

  7. Good idea about Friday x 2, what else do we have to do ?
    Looking forward to it,

  8. I'll be here too Cheryll. Oh yes, I could easily handle another FNwF! Catch you later :-)

  9. Definitely in - I need the distraction!!

  10. I managed to join in for a short time. It was fun.


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I may not always respond BuT I do love reading what you wrote... xox