Saturday, July 4, 2020


Before dinner last night, I managed to sew together another row in a charity quilt.

Later... after finishing packing our caravan, I managed to add a few more stitches to my Christmas embroidery project too.
In fact... I finished  the Letter "T".

I hope YoU had a successful night of crafting & accomplished what you set out to do. I'll be over to check on your blog post sometime over the weekend...


  1. Hi Chez well done with your stitching it looks beautiful. How exciting to be heading off in the caravan,we hope to be heading to Renmark in September if the borders are open to us,safe travels my friend and take care xx

  2. So exciting to be heading away for a little while. Enjoy your adventures.

  3. Good job on the stitching and the charity blocks. How far will you go on your trip....your "caravan" that an RV? It sounds like so much fun! I used to have a camper that fit right in the bed of our big truck.....we used it for fishing trips, to go cut Christmas trees and just about fun to get away! Take care and stay safe!

  4. Pretty string blocks. Enjoy your trip away.

  5. Now good to still have time to join in and do some lovely string blocks and complete your "T"
    Enjoy your travels..

  6. Enjoy your trip away and safe travels. Lovely string block.

  7. You did have a busy evening. Well done on achieving as much as you did.

  8. Sounds like you are heading out for a vacation - have fun! YOur Christmas embroidery is really nice. I've looked back over some of your last posts, and I just love your strings. I've got to get busy on RSC.

  9. Hola Cheryl!!!
    Me encanta el quilt de caridad que estás haciendo. Esa me parece una bella iniciativa. Aquí donde vivo hace mucho calor todo el año, así que no hay tradición de hacer quilts para abrigarse. Las pocas que hacemos patchwork lo hacemos con fines decorativos solamente. Tus bloques se ven bien :)
    Y el bordado, super lindo también. Ya vas adelantada!!!!
    Yo ya hice mi publicación. Te invito a que pases a ver lo que hice anoche. También bordé!
    Te envío un fuerte abrazo venezolano!

  10. Hi Cheryl, I am caught up on reading your posts. You are busy with the stitching of all kinds including beautiful embroidery. Your string blocks in rainbow colours are gorgeous.Happy Summertime Stitching to you!

  11. Hi,
    Didn't get my blog in the FNWF until today...totally slipped my mind it was link is there now...and my After FNWF is posted. Love the Christmas embroidery...Like the pretty colors in your charity quilt...someone will love it...have a great day!

  12. Your string blocks will make a great quilt and your stitching is lovely. Have a wonderful time away in the caravan. With what is happening around Melbourne I don't think Victorians will be welcome anywhere for a long time.

  13. Your string blocks are F-U-N and is making an adorable charity quilt. Good for you to share such a close-up of your embroidery. It is impeccable!

  14. I am impressed that you even had time to stitch in the middle of packing. Well done.

  15. Your charity blocks look great - I love the colours of the orange one, and the little lions. Hope you have a great time away x


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I may not always respond BuT I do love reading what you wrote... xox