Monday, April 29, 2024

House Keeping...

 I like to have a full box of bobbins ready & waiting... so that was my 1st job.

I was also tired of my "left over" binding basket overflowing & making a mess.
I sewed lots of colours together to make quite a few "scrappy" bindings & also a few same colour bindings to have on hand. 
The binding basket makes me HaPPy now... ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜€
I added one of these bindings to a Community Quilt that I just quilted too.
I'm off to use lots of Vliesofix on the next project...


  1. great organizing progress! I try to have several bobbins ready as well,nothing worse than having to stop midstream to wind a bobbin๐Ÿ˜‚ luv the quilt!

  2. Very organised. It must be a good feeling. Have fun with your next project. Sounds like lots of applique

  3. I like to have a few spare full bobbins too! and I was just looking at my binding bin....I should use some of them!

    in case you are interested.....I see you wrap your bobbins....I bought clear tubing and cut it down vertically and then into approx 1/4" bits and use that around my bobbins.

  4. So good to a box full of bobbins and I also like to keep my binding left overs tidy in a plakkie bag..
    Lovely community quilt.
    See Friday ✅

  5. Goodness, that is super organised! xx

  6. Such great feeling to get a little housekeeping done. Revs up the engines to start putting the pedal to the metal again!


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