Friday, September 10, 2010

Winners are Grinners

I had a GrEAt day today!
Had a good tidy up of business matters and accounts before going off for a quick shop.... always love retail therapy.... picked up a few bargins..... and then came home to a mail delivery.
I was one lucky winner of a give away gift from Grandmarockton and her letter pack arrived this afternoon. So a big ThANk YoU to her!
I was soooo ExCitEd when I read my name as it's my FiRSt ever WIN!
I have a gift voucher to spend at a quilting store and as Grandmarockton was good enough to enclose a catalogue I have already picked out a few how good a day was today !?! 
I haven't stopped smiling..... so I wish everyone out there in blogland the very best of luck if they have entered a give away... so they can GriN like me!


Maria said...

Oh what a lovely little parcel come in the mail so for. Enjoy.

Unknown said...

Lucky you, I am going to have to start entering these competitions, maybe I can get lucky too.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Congratulations! Receiving the win is so much fun.