Remember Me ?
I have been busy playing tour guide for the past month and I must admit that I haven't been keeping up with my blog visits. I have missed out on seeing all your wonderful projects lately but I will make an effort over the weekend to catch on your
latest post. It's been WoNdErFuL having hubbys family here from Canada and the house will seem very quiet now they have returned home... but I guess the up side is I'll get to go into my cubbyhole again. I have a few things to finish up before Xmas and time is running out. I am usually soooo organised but I guess I have an excuse this year.
AnYwAy.. I thought I would share a few pic's of our adventures..... hope they don't bore you
SiLLy !
P.S..... I apologise for not answering any comments left here over the past month.... but if you come visit again before December 1st, I promise to make it up to you!
The flora.... |
The fauna... |
The sports... |
The beaches... |
The views... |
The sunsets... |
And of course a trip to Sydney NSW... |
It's been GrEaT big brother.... |
Our visitors are now winging their way back to Canada.
We hope they had FuN .....
* * *
So pleased you had a wonderful time with your rellies and showed them a good time. we do have lots of lovley things to share in our Country.
Welcome Back..your piccies are lovely & looks like your family really enjoyed their stay...Enjoy your return to your cubbyhole...
I love these pictures. You can see the love! Steph
I'm so glad you got to ENJOY so much time with your family!! And the scenery is just gorgeous; I'm sure they hated leaving!
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