Saturday, January 1, 2011

Do Ya Wanna Join ?

H A P P Y    N E W    Y E A R   everyone !

I would like to host a gift swap but before you turn away...
it will only be 1 gift....4 times a year...
hence the name .... "Once a Season Swap".
The commitment is: 
If you want to receive a gift then you must give a gift.

Each participant will be allocated a partner (a different one each season).... but sssh... keep the name a secret.... and then you can either make or purchase a gift and post it off to your partner on the due date. Don't worry you'll get plenty of time to whip something up... but remember it has to be "seasonal". The first swap will be for Autumn (here in Australia) and the gift should be posted on March 1st (to your local swap partner) and the last week of February (for international swap partners). That way we'll all receive our gifts about the same time. Remember, nothing too expensive or too time consuming and consider the postal costs too.  The gift can be crafty or personal, it's up to YoU. Lets make this about FuN because I don't know anyone who doesn't like to receive a surprise in the mail !
For example:
Autumn could be a gift of a hand/kitchen towel with autumn leaves... or a small table mat in autumn colours... or browns/creams/ orange cottons... burgundy nail polish ???....
Winter gift... a chockie & a magazine.... or a few flannel fabrics...
Spring... something with pretty flowers on it...
Summer.... well get the picture.

So PLeAsE... if you are interested... just email me before the 25th January for the Aussie "Autumn" swap leaving details of your: 1.Name - 2.Blog address - address - 4.Postal address -  5.If you are happy to post internationally - 6.If you want to stay in the swap for all 4 seasons.
You can register anytime between swaps for the next swap...
so tell your friends.
Then just keep an eye out for future postings and reminders.
I will give a longer notice period next swap but time was cut a little short this time because of Christmas & New Year!
Come on, join in and please pass the word around !
The more the merrier !


Melody said...

Happy new year Cheryll, hope 2011 brings you much happiness. What a great idea for a swap, I'd love to join.

BubzRugz said...

Hi Cheryll.... sounds good - me too.... I will email you separately with the details.
Happy New Year and hope 2011 is all you hope for...

Toni said...

Count me in, I have just sent you an email.

Paula said...

This sounds fun, would love to join.

Rochelle said...

Sounds great, I would LOVE to join in.

Happy New Year

Caren Kristine said...

Happy New Year Cheryll
I love my pins from the 12 Days of Christmas. Thank you so much

Annmarie said...

What a great idea. Would love to join but just yesterday I put a sticky on my computer that says NO MORE! so I need to think about it - lol. This is my first visit to your blog - i really like it and became a follower. Love the mini slideshow of your past creations.

Photography said...

Okay count me in!! I will add the button to my blog too :-)

Photography said...

Ps can you email me i can't seem to get your email link to work - thanks

Sheila said...

This sounds like fun , I'd like to join in too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl count me in it sounds like a lot of fun.
cheers Sheryl

Laurie said...

I would love to join in with this swap it sounds like fun...count me in

Hugs Laurie

sunny said...

Hi Cheryl, I think I'd like to join. I'm in the US, so will all of my seasons be opposite, to match the Aussie season?

Aunty said...

Hi Cheryll I've just discovered your blog. i would like to join this swap so have just sent you an email.

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

I do not see my name I'm in for the swapI think this is fun. Laura---

Heidi said...

I'm in! I don't have any swaps going on right now. So one fun one won't hurt me. And I like that this is all year!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to join your swap!

grandmarockton said...

would love to join your swap!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I didn't know if you needed confirmation on sign-up for the next 'Seasons' swap, but I still would like to be in the Winter Season Swap if not already listed.

quiltjude said...

What a lovely idea, I hope you all give and receive many lovely presents sewn with love, cheers Judy :)

Unknown said...

Is it too late to join this swap for the remaining seasons? I'm in the can email me at


Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryll,I am in for all seasons! Thanks,Heather

Eme Creations said...

What a great idea, please count me in.

Sue said...

Hi Cheryll, I realise it is too late in the year for me to be in this Swap now (unless you are short of one person) but I hope you do it next year too, cos it does sound like great fun! Hugs n Blessings from Sue xx

Bquiltin said...

Would love to join..... looking forward to good friendships and gifts!

RandR Serenity said...

would also love to join. Sounds like so much fun.