Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Join in a SaNtA SaCk SwaP

Christmas sounds so far away at the moment BUT it really is just around the corner. This swap is all about YoU having a nice little bag sack of goodies to open on December 25th... just like Santa himself had delivered them. Sound GooD ?  Then join up by leaving a comment on this post and I'll email you details, rules and a questionaire to fill out. That way your partner will know a few things about you, your likes and dislikes with any colour preferences etc. Of course stalking reading your partners blog or chatting to each other would help too!
Basically this is how it will work: The first month-make a sack and wrap 2 small gifts and send them off to your partner who will store the gifts in the sack...unopened and no ToUcHiNg or SqUeeZinG..(well perhaps just a wee one).. then every month after that, send 2 or more gifts to the same partner and she places them into the sack once again unopened! Then for December we will add a special something (perhaps a Candle Mat, Tree skirt or Runner) as the finale'. The gifts should retail approx $5.00 - $10.00 each month (not a financial burden that way) or handmade items are GrEaT and I'll keep swap sisters in the same country for postal consideration. The first month's gifts together with the SACK must be posted by July 1st. This is a six (6) month commitment so please only join in if you will complete it. Your partners HeArT is at stake.. you'll break it if you don't go the distance!
Sign up will close on April 30th 2011.

Be sure to add the button to your blog (link it here) .... let's not keep the FuN to ourselves... spread the word!

Also for a great give away go to Raggedy Station blog and enter to win these....
The giveaway is to celebrate a new beginning...A ShOp... so why not go visit.

How good would these fabrics look made into a quilt for yours truly!
Just what I had in mind!
GooD LuCk everyone......


Anonymous said...

pretty ,pretty please can i join what a fun swap this will be,and what a great swap mum you are,love xmas and swaps so this is perfect,lol.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

This sounds like such fun - yes I will love to join in and can be definite about committing.

donna said...

Oh Cheryll I hope I am forgiven regarding the hand towell swap. I would love love to be a part of this swap. I will add the button to my blog tonight. But I will post about it on Friday. Hope that is ok?

Tarnyia said...

This sounds wonderful such a fantastic idea and I would love to join in so please sihn me up xxx

Maria said...

OH YES PLEASE Cheryll. count me in. Sounds like such fun. thank you.

BubzRugz said...

I'd love to join in with Santa Swap please....

Cat said...

This sounds like a lot of fun - do you have NZ swappers keen to join? If not I'm okay with Australia if they are okay with NZ?
Please do count me in !! !!

Pauline G said...

Count me in - I've caught the bug from your blog and would love to take part!

Craft to Do said...

Hi Cheryl,

Would love to join your lovely Christmas Swap. There is only one problem I will be away for 6 weeks starting in July.

I will make the first part of the swap before I go.
As long as swap sister knows that I am still working hard on the swap while I am away. I could catch up when I am back.

What do you think?

sunny said...

I've been giving this one a lot of thought, and I'm IN! I already have a list of possible gifts. I usually don't mind shipping internationally, but I'm glad this one will be staying in-country.

Toni said...

Hi Cheryll, Another great idea! count me in please Toni

B @ Sweet Limes said...

ooooh, I like that you're trying to keep it local for us so it won't be so much to mail. Sounds delightful! I'm in.


Christine M said...

This swap sounds like a lot of fun. I'd love to join in too!

Ruth said...

This sounds like fun and I want to join. Email is Thxs

Unknown said...

I would love to join in on this swap.....

Love Bears All Things said...

I read about this over at Bubz Rugz and would love to be included since all the gifts are not required to be handmade.
Mama Bear

Michelle Ridgway said...

I would love to be in the Santa sack swap. Thank you for hosting it.

Jeanette said...

Sign me up please. Thanks

Michelle said...

Hi, this sounds great, count me in. If you don't have many kiwi's I won't mind international.
Happy stitching, Michelle

Quilt Kitty said...

Hi Cheryll, can I join up too please, sounds like great fun! Thanks Tracee xx

Sarah C said...

This sounds like a lot of fun! I am in!!

Anonymous said...

This sounds very good.

Please count me in this. It must be a great fun.


Melinda said...

This sounds like a lot of fun. I would love to join in.

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

Love to join the swap.Like it stays in country.I will be put my thinking cap on .Laura

Linda said...

Count me in your Santa Swap!! This sounds so fun.

Karen said...

Would love to be counted in please. Read about it on Shez's blog and I love the idea of building up the gift swag. Consulted DH and he says that all will be as close to normal here by then as possible.

Unknown said...

I would love to join. This sounds like a lot of fun!

Sandy said...

This sounds really cool, Cheryll...found you via Maria's blog. Please count me in!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Fun!! Please count me in!

arlette said...

Swaps are always fun, I'd love to take part, but... I don't think there aren't any people interested in my country :(

Kathy H said...

This sounds like a fun swap. I would like to be included. Thanks for organizing it.

Linda said...

Having trouble grabbing the button for the Santa Swap. Can't find the code. Help!

Laurie said...

I would like to join in and this could be fun

hugs Laurie

Laurie said...

This sounds like alot of fun! Count me in!

corina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa said...

Sounds like so much fun, I'd love to do it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryll, please sign me up for this swap.I am really enjoying your swaps! Thanks,Heather

grandmarockton said...

I want to toooooo! PLEASE

Cheryl said...

Read about this over at Jen's (Miss Punkie Pie)..can't resist. Please count me in. I will do a post on my next blog post! What a wonderful swap idea.

simple country living! said...

Please consider me in your Santa Sack Swap! How exciting! Thank you!

Beeshebags said...

I'd love to join in on this fun swap. Thanks heaps for hosting it.

Hugs Naomi

Abuela "Nena" said...

I would really love participating. It sounds like lots of fun! I live in Venezuela: Any swappers here?

Wendy said...

I changed my settings so you should be able to see my profile now....

Kathy said...

I would love to join this swap. I don't think I could resist a touch or squeeze when things arrive! :)

Sue said...

would love to join this swap and dont mind doing overseas, sounds interesting but may have a little trouble, not sneaking a peak

BronnyB said...

OOOO.....can I do it???
I'd love to join in. Karen (n Chris) pointed me in this direction. I'll add your button to my blog tonight when I have more time to post. I'd love to have a new friend to make special gifts for.
Thank you for organising this.
Your newest bestest blogging buddy - bronny

tartankiwi said...

I've been giving this a lot of thought and I'd love to participate.

Anonymous said...

I would love to join your santa sack swap. What a great idea...
Cheers Geniene

LesQuilts said...

This sounds great, I'd like to part take too!
Can't wait to start!
Take care, Leslie

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

This sounds like fun! Count me in. Thanks for organizing this.

Eme Creations said...

What a fantastic idea. Please count me in.

Annie said...

Yes please Cheryl - I would looooove to join - and most importantly, it sounds "Achievable" first online Swap :)

linny said...

Would love to join in please Cheryl. I don't have a blog, hope this is ok. Am in Brisbane, but I'm happy to post O/S if need be.
Lyn Smith

Cheryll said...

Linny... you are a no-reply.. so can you please email me so I can join you up! :)

Vanessa R said...

Hi Cheryl - I would LOVE to join in. This sound really exciting. I am in Victoria, Australia

PolkaDotClassic said...

Hi Cheryl,
Please add me to the Santa Sack swap
thank you
Marta, Florida

Cross Stitch Crazy Mum said...

This sounds like fun :-) I cant wait, and it will make the build up to Christmas all the more exciting

Sandy said...

Would love to join the swap, sounds like fun..

Vickie said...

This sounds like so much fun!!! I have loved the other swaps I've entered and this one sounds even better...count me in!


Hi Cheryl,
I would love to join this swap....sounds like so much fun! Sign me up.

Ngaire said...

I would love to join the swap!

sian cox said...

I would love to join too

prsd4tim2 said...

Hey Cheryl - this sounds like a blast. I found your button on Stitchduchess' site. Count me in!

Quilting Chemist (Danette) said...

I would love to join - sounds like a fun swap!

Maree said...

I would love to do this swap, I have added the blinkie to my blog Maree

Carol said...

Darn, I'm too late, this sounds like fun and I just discovered your blog. If someone has to drop out maybe I can take their place.

sewingsteph said...

I too just discovered your blog and love the idea of this swap. I see Carol (above) missed the sign up as well. Perhaps, could we be each others partners? If not, please keep me in mind if someone needs to drop out.

Beeshebags said...

Hi, will you be doing this again this year? Last year was soooo much fun. If you're not doing it, do you know anyone who is???? Coz it would need to be starting soon right? Hugs Naomi