Saturday, July 21, 2012

WhaT WeeK ?

I've contacted the police and perhaps I should contact the FBI... 'cause someone has stolen 5 days from me.
This could be serious... 
I could understand Mon, Tues, or Wednes going MiSSinG?  
They ARE the unappreciated...
BUT NEVER Thurs or his bro, Friday!
I just don't understand it... 
Everyone LoVes THEM...
PerHapS they went on a HolidaY?... 
Have you seen my lost "days"?
Send them back if you do ... 
I need them here so I can catch up!
At least I didn't loose LISA's big day. You see today is her BiRthDaY.
Why not CLICK on over to say hello and wish her well. 
Lisa is a member of the Fat 1/4 BirthDaY Club.
HiP HiP HooRaY... HaPPy BirThDaY Lisa.

I did manage to finish off one swap item this week... unfortunately I can't show it just yet... but as HubbY has gone snow skiing for a few days I hope to get a lot done that I CAN show you.
And speaking of things disappearing...  I'll leave you with this...

Where do all my pins disappear to?
I’ve picked up all the ones off the floor
But when I put them back into their box
It looks as though there ought to be more...

What became of the needle I had in my hand
When I picked up the spool to thread it?
It seems to have vanished into thin air
But that explanation I can’t credit...

How does my thimble disappear
From the basket where it was laid
I haven’t heard it rolling around the floor
As it did when the cat with it played...

I don’t know why things I know that I had 
Disappear when I put them away
I find it annoying but I very much fear
It’s a problem that’s here to stay!
Author: Jacquie Scuitto


Vroomans' Quilts said...

How cute! Yes, things do vanish into thin air. When my kids were home I had the three ghosts: 'I dont' know'- 'Not me' - 'What'

Melody said...

I think those time thieves have been at my place too.

Fiona said...

Time stealers have been rampant all over this week....

Kaisievic said...

I know what you mean - my week just flew!

Linda said...

The weeks are flying by faster and faster as I get older. It makes me dizzy!
Cute poem~!

Binsa said...

Hi Cheryll, a good DH tells me...time waits for no one...grin...Hugs, O'faigh

Maria said...

It's a worry how fast the days weeks and months fly by. I would love the world to slow down......
Enjoy your Sunday.