did not go well for me last night!!!!
This is what I was doing...
or at least that was what it felt like...errrr
Firstly, I cut out some 2 1/2 in squares in two colours...
so far so good...
Then I stitched them together...
still good...
NO... that won't work ...
So some un-stitching...
Play with more fabric... LOTS more fabric !
then placement.. LOTS of different arrangements !
errrr ... so frustrating....awwwrrrgggg ! Just NOT happening!!!
Tried THIS...
Yep ... that will work.... BUT it was 2 hours later...
By that time I was well and truly disgusted... so I went to bed... !
NoT - HaPPy - JaN
My FNSI accomplished an enormous amount of progress....
all 44 inches of it !!!
Hope yours was better!
oh noo Chez,sounds like you were tired.xx
Oh dear. i agree with Shez. Sounds like you were tired. Hugs,
Oh Chez....too much thinking, go with the gut feeling it's always right...love your choices...
Hey 44 inches is better than none at all and now you know what works , hope you got some rest:-)
some days are just like that!
Well it isn't even dinner time yet on Friday evening here in the states, so do it again today, and maybe you will have better luck with it! You were just a day ahead of all the rest of us. :D
oh no.... breathe in and breathe out - it will all come to you and be just right....
Oh dear! Next time :)
I'm afraid I had Friday Night Snooze-Ing after a big day in town.
Wish those groceries could put themselves away too ;)
It can only get better Cheryll. Sharyn:)
Sorry you didn't have a good night. Hugs....
How annoying and no, mine was no better. Only a few desultory stitches placed in my current WIP unfortunately!
Oh, the trial & error game, I'm a champion at that. Hopefully better rested the project will all come together now. Tracee xx
How frustrating. Sometimes you just can't get the result you set out to. But at least you made progress in the end.
Sometimes it's better to leave it and come back to it later...but do I take my own advice??? probably not! lol I'm sure when you go back to that project it'll all work beautifully
Not Good Jane......
that is so frustrating for you Cheryll. Some days nothing goes right. Hope you had a better day today.
Oh dear..you poor thing....
Ohhh so know how that feels. Thats when it all goes in the too hard basket to tackle another day. You do have some great little projects on your blog though and I love your stitchery pouch.
So sorry you where frustrated.
Hey....it happens to all of us...I just bought a beautiful piece of fabric to make a Christmas table topper...well it was supposed to be cut 32" square....well I cut it 16"x32".....I had to get on line and buy another yard......so I can understand what your talking about....and I wasn't tired...it was morning....go figure....
so frustration but on the "up side" you have the colors all sorted now so hopefully things will go smoother next time. hugs
hello dear, its me cucki from south africa..i am your new follower :)
sending you lots of love and big hugs x
Oh dear Cheryll, I'm so sorry you had a bummer of a night... try again during the week...
As Dory says sometimes we just have 'just keep swimming swimming swimming'...
Sorry you had one of those days.
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