One of our "Club" members is celebrating
her birthday today...
O'FaiGh... from Oldbury Cottage...
Why not click on over HERE and wish her
a very HaPPy BirtHDaY!
Hip Hip Hooray!!!
Lets all eat some cake...
* * * * *
I sent out emails yesterday for the ColouR SwaP
so please let me know if YOU didn't get your partners details.
* * * * *
I sent out emails yesterday for the ColouR SwaP
so please let me know if YOU didn't get your partners details.
* * * * *
I'm off to
"Girls Day in the Country"
in Nundle NSW.
I'll catch up with old and NeW friends...
and perhaps do some stitching too.
See you all next Tuesday!
See you tomorrow Cheryll.......so excited.
Have a great time at your girl's weekend - such fun! Thanks for organising the colour swap, too.
Have a great time...
Enjoy your GIRLS weekend Cheryll, I know you will all have a fun time. Cheers. X
See you in Nundle.......travel safe.......
I'm starting my swap items this morning! Have a great time Chez.
Do have a great time away. I hear Annie might be there next year. Wonder if I can wing it and make it? How do I tell hubby about my plans :o) hugs
Safe travels Chez and give all my friends a hug from me especially that scallywag Peg.
You have the best time and take lots of pics.xx
Enjoy Nundle. But then again...what's not to enjoy...sitting around eating and stitching with friends.
Was so nice to finally meet you Cheryll :) Look forward to keeping in touch through the year :)
Looks like you had a ball! We must catch up?
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