You see... it's Claires birthday today.
All your friends in the BirthDaY CLuB wish you the very best.
If you would like to say HaPPy BirTHDaY to Claire visit HERE.
* * * * *
These "quilting" tools are today's choices..
#1. Binding Mitre Tool + Chocolate
#2. 1/4 inch Perfect Piecing Guide + Chocolate
#3. Wrist Magnetic Pin Cushion + chocolate.
Remember all you have to do to enter is...
1. Already be a follower &
2. Leave a comment stating in preference order which gift you would like.
I'll draw random names from the "comments".
Winners announced on FriDaY.
See you tomorrow.
Any one with chocolate in it
If I had to make a real choice I guess it would be no 1
I love that they all include chocolate.... and chocolate.
You can tell that we quilters have a sweet tooth.
I would choose #3.
Have a lovely day.
1, 3, 2 - are anything with chocolate lol
2,1,3 - and chocolate is the winner!!!
they all have chocolate :) but if I have to make a preference it would be 1, 2, 3 :)
Thanks for the opportunity, I would choose 1, 3, 2.
Happy blogaversary shez hugs O'faigh
Congratulations on your 4 year blogaversary Cheryll. My preference is 1,3,2. Hugs......
Thank you Cheryll, My preference would be 2,1,3 Thankyou and cheers Kaylee
Happy blogaversary, a chocolate giveaway is always a treat. I would pick 2,1,3. Thanks for the chance.
Nos.. 1-2-3. And chocolate any time....thanks
1,2,3 for me and the chocolate of course.
Thanks !! 3-2-1. Plus choccie
All with choco is well for me. I can need it.My choice for today is 1,3,2
This is so exciting just watchingt what you chose.
Have a good day
Chocolate a girls second best friend. Like #2
how lovely.... I'll go 1, 2, 3 today....
Mmmm....chocolate...2,1,3 for me today and thanks for the chance to win. xx debbie
Such a generous giveaway Cheryll - all lovely and useful (and delicious). I'll go 1, 3 and 2
Hi Chez didnt realize that i hadnt commented,if i was lucky i would chose no 2,then no 1 then no 3 thankyou Chez for being so generous my friend.xx
Happy blogoversary "Dory" and I would pick them in order, 1,2,3 - thanks for the give away!
You are so generous....if I was the lucky winner LOL.....3 - 2 - 1....
thanks Dory xx
Happy blogversary Chez...have lots of fun this week... best wishes Christine
Happy blogversary Chez...have lots of fun this week... best wishes Christine
Another happy day of fun! Loving all these goodies. I would pick 3, 2, 1. #3 would come in hand for all the felt dolls and such that I have been working on lately.
melsdaisypatch at gmail dot com.
Happy anniversary. 1 2 or 3 would be lovely.
Glad to see you have "light" chocolate. I guess that means low cal, doesn't it! Today I will choose #1 (would that make me try mitred corners?), #2 and #3. Thanks Chez. xx
Oh my chocolate and quilting tools... how perfect! Order of preference: #2, #1 and #3.
Thanks again for the chance to win. I follow you on bloglovin.
All the goodies are lovely.
Would love to try out the seam guide.
i like the pin catcher and of cours i follow
Wow - I have never come across any of these tools before! I think I'd choose 1,2,3. But anything with chocolate is very desirable!!
I think my choice would be 2, 3, 1. Thanks! sarah@forrussia.org
Happy Birthday and blogiversary, 2,1,3.
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