I realise that my blogoversary has come & gone... so albeit a little late... I'll have a giveaway now... over 4 days to celebrate 4 years.
If you would like to win one of the small gifts on offer each day... just leave a comment stating the gift (in order of preference) that you would like to win. Come back & visit me for 4 days & each day leave a NeW comment.
This giveaway is only open to followers of this blog...& I'm HaPPy to mail overseas too.
Just little "items" each day but sent with my HuGs for being my bloggy friends. EnJoY.
#1... "List Pad" in Red + 10mm x 3m Red Ribbon & BLacK Ribbon + 4 Red Star Buttons.
#2... "Owls" I-Phone 5 Cover + Owl Ornie + Owl Card + Embroidery Floss x 2
#3... "Sticky Notes" Pack + Purple Pen + Lace Zip + 3 Butterfly Buttons + Butterfly Card.
See you tomorrow...
WOW it feels like you've been here longer than 4 years! Happy blogversary and may there be many more :) Barb.
P.S: Of course I'd choose the red bundle if I was lucky enough to have my name pulled out of the hat LOL......you know me and red go waaaay back :)
CONGRATULATIONS and HAPPY BLOGGING BIRYHDAY CHERYL!!!! i would love to enter your giveaways and celebrate with you . Gift 2 follwed ny gift 1!!
Hi Chez happy blogaversary ,your birthday and we get the gifts ,awesome.
My first choice is no 1, then followed by no 3 ,then no 2.
Thankyou my lovely friend and I hope you have an awesome day.xx
Happy blogging anniversary. I love all your sweet gifts.
Hope you have a great day my dear.
Keep on blogging. Love following you.
My choices.... 3-1-2
Congratulations. This blogadversary shows commitment. All those new friends you have made! If I were to win a gift order would be 3,2,1. Cheers.
Well, congratulations on your blogaversary!! I would be happy with any of your little offers and how very sweet of you.
Well done on four years and such a great Blog
Red of course xx
Great things come from small beginnings :)
My choice would be 3, 1, 2 thanks.
Congratulations on 4 years of blogging, Chez. I'm so glad you did or we would never have met! If I'm lucky enough to win, I would choose #3, then #1 followed by #2. Thanks for the lovely giveaway, Chez.
Congratulations on your blogaversary. I have enjoyed your blog ever since I found it. I would pick prize2,3,1 if I am the lucky one.
Congrats, here's to many more to come and enjoy of course as I love reading your posts!
My choices would be 3, 1, 2, thanks for the opportunity.
Congrats Cheryll you do such a great job with your wonderful blog..a great swap mumma..and inspirational with your balnkets of love.
Happy 4 years! Considering all that you do and give to the blogging world, let me just say that I'm so glad that you did discover blogging 4 years ago. Thanks so much for the giveaway. Gifts in order of preference... hmmmm... #2, #3 and #1.
I following you on Bloglovin.
Have fun and enjoy your celebrations! Congratulations.
happy 4th birfday..... its amazing cos i feel like I have known you forever!!! I love parcels so I can't resist.... my order of preference is 2,3,1...
Happy Bloggy birthday!
Congratulations on Four wonderful years of Blogging Cheryll.
Read your first post and over the four years you have done sew many wonderful things by becoming Swap Mama for lots of great swaps, organised us for our FnwFs and also the lovely work you do by donating the "Quilts of Love" sewn by you and your followers.
thanks for the giveaway and my order of preference is 3. 1. 2....
Happy Bloggy Birthday!!! I saw your post and remembered my Blog Birthday is in September, so I looked back and my very first post was *today*, 15 September, 2012. xx Debbie
I like #3 the best :)
Happy bloggy birthday!!! :-)
Happy Bloggy birthday.
YOu have motivated many people over that 4 years. Well done.
Your little gifts are lovely.
I would choose
3,1,2 in that order.
Happy bloggy birthday, I would choose in this order 1, 3, 2
Congrats to you. Four years blogging you are a champion.
Such a generous lady 2,3.1 is my preference order.
How fabulous! 4 years. The time goes pretty fast. Glad to have you still around. It always seems sad when people stop blogging. Your give away gifts are so lovely. I would choose 3, 1, 2.
And aren't we glad you started blogging.
My preference would be 3 then 1 then 2. If I'm lucky.
Happy Blogiverary to my dear fiend Dory...what great joy you have bought to all of us....thankyou....sending you a massive hug....and I think we should be giving you prezzies...xxx
Congratulations! I love visiting your blog and seeing all your wonderful projects. Of course I would have to pick the red set.
Congrats happy blog anniversary my preference I like them all
Chez happy blog anniversary. I've been following you for two of those since I started my own blog. Lovely giveaway - how very generous of you. All so lovely but I will say No 1, 3 and 2
Congrats! It's such an inspiration to visit you. Thanks for the sweet giveaway, it's hard to choose but I'll go with 2,3,1.
Happy Bloggy birthday.
After nearly one weekm without the computer(the flu get me) I enjoy reading your last entries.
What a long time and you and your bolg is my daily bread.
Now I mus chose .It is so difficult.
Well 1,3,2 That's it.
Hoping that you are well LOve
happy blogaversary Chez!!
so glad you took the plunge into blogland!
Happy blogoversary Cheryll!
My choice would be 1,3,2
Hi - a new blog follower here. These look like fun goodies.
2, 3, 1. What fun!
This is fun Cheryll, these are gorgeous, my preference would be 1,3, 2. Thank you Cheers Kaylee
Congratulations on your 4th Anniversary. I love following following your blog and all your wonderful swaps!!!
Happy anniversary and well done on 4 years!
4 years of wonderful fun!! Congrats. Thanks for sharing goodies with all of us.
My choices would be 2,3,1
melsdaisypatch at gmail dot com
Congratulations. the owls are lovely
Happy Blogaversary Cheryll. 4 years! That's awesome.
I like your little gifts in the order you have them - list notes, owls & sticky notes.
Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
And I'm a follower.....
xx :)
I enjoyed reading your very first post! My order is #3,1,2.
Happy Blogaversary! I would like to win in this order: 3, 1 then 2. Such lovely presents!
I would love one of your gifts! 3,1,or 2. :) Thank you so much and congratulations. sarah@forrussia.org
such a lovely way to celebrate :)
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