today's choices are fabric based...
#1. 2 x Fat 1/4 of "spotty" Flannel.
#2. 5 x Fat 1/10 of Christmas prints.
#3. Modern Fat 1/4 + "Lantern BaG" Pattern.
Just leave a comment stating preference order of choice & already be a "follower"...that's all you have to do to enter.
OOhhh this is so much FuN !
WiNNerS announced on Friday.
See you Tomorrow
Your blogoversary giveaway is AWESOME! Congratulations :)
I have been watching every day that you have posted and really think its a wonderful way to celebrate :)
Love #2 Christmas fabrics they are very pretty :)
Smiles :)
Happy blogversary for today Chez...
Again happy blogoversary it is so much fun once again hard to choice # 2 enjoy your day
Great giveaways every day. Lots of fun to see every day. 3,2,1
How did I miss your blogaversary. Big hugs and congrats. Where would we be without you. So happy I found Gone Stitchin' xx
Hi Chez if I was lucky I would chose no 3,then no 2 ,then no 3,hope you have a lovely day my friend.xx
Lovely ones today
3 2 1
Super...thank you 3 1 2.
Super...thank you 3 1 2.
I'm so glad I found your blog and was able to join in on your amazing swaps, I hope you keep blogging 4ever!
My choices today would be 2, 3, 1.
Happy Blogaverisary!
Luv 1, 2, 3........
Enjoy your blogs and hints.
Take care......Annette
Hmm - no order, just love the spots.
2, 3, 1. This is fun! Thanks.
Happy Bloggy day again. I would choose
1, 2, 3.
melsdaisypatch at gmail dot com
Happy Blogaversary Chez....time flies doesn't it! I would choose 2 3 1. Thanks for a great giveaway and letting us celebrate!
Happy blog adversary.
All are great . Thankyou.
I agree, Chez. This is fun! My picks for today are #2, #3 and #1. Have a wonderful day, Chez. xx
You're right this is such fun!! Choices in order of preference: #2 (those Christmas fabric quarters would make a great tree skirt), #1 and #3.
Thanks once again for this fun giveaway. I follow you on bloglovin.
They all look lovely Cheryll but I'd say 3,2,1... Thank you
This is a hard choice, I'd say 3,1,2 as I love trying new patterns. Thanks for the chance to win
Yes, so hard to choose but I'm going to go with 2, 1, 3 today :)
Another happy Blogging Day!! Giveaways in this order 2,1,3!! Have a great day!!
Gorgeous goodies, in order 2, 1, 3
Ooh nice fabrics. My choice today is 2-3-1
Have a great day
This is such a fun event you are having and so generous.
Xmas prints would be my first choice but happy with any of them
More hugs and kisses for ou...3 - 2 - 1
You are so generous.XX
What lovely choices. It looks like our blogversary is being enjoyed by many people.
I would choose 2,1,3
Ooh you are spoiling us Chez - being a bit of a xmas fanatic I would have to go No 3, then 1 and 2 xx
More happy's!
My choice this time is 2,1,3
Happy blog day.love the Christmas prints.x
love your giveaways
Happy bloggerversary. So generous. Gorgeous Xmas prints
2,1,3 for me. happy blog anniversary Cheryll.
Having a wonderful time keeping up with all your great giveaways. 2,3,1 would be my choice if I was lucky enough to win. lyn.robyn.smith@gmail.com
I think you are having as much fun as we are.... my preferences today are 3, 1 and 2....
Happy Blogiversary to you! My preferences are 3, 1, 2. Love those chevrons!
What a fun celebration! I would choose in this order: 3, 1, 2, but all are lovely and fun!
Congratulations! My order of preferece is: 2, 3, 1 Thank you! sarah@forrussia.org
Happy Blogaverisary! 2 1 3 is the choice for me. The Christmas prints are beautiful!
Opps nearly missed . Had internet woes....
In any order as they are all lovely .thamks
;) christmas fabric wins hands down!
1, 3, 2. I follow. Thanks for the chance.
Awesome giveaway!!
Happy Blogiversary! I follow you via GFC, my choices are 3,2,1
Happy Blogiversay! 2,1,3.
Thanks for the chance to win fabric:)
Really love the Christmas fabric. That tough of gold gives it a nice rich feel. The gifts I could make with that fabric would sure look good under the tree. 3, 1, 2
Wow! Super awesome!!
I like 2, 3, 1
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