BUT FNwF's will be back in January 2015...
As it's getting close to Xmas... I thought the gift this month should reflect that Santa is getting ready for his night job... & as I purchased this "Chook Shed " pattern at Christmas in July...
it seemed appropriate.
You are in the draw if you participated in the November FNwF & made a post about it. I'll announce the WiNNeR over the weekend.
Sign up below for December's FNwF... & I'll be sharing some fruit cake during the evening!
If this is NEW to you... all you have to do is link your blog below... sit & sew on Friday night... post about it on your blog over the weekend... & we'll all come by for a visit. SimPLe...&.. FuN.
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Looking forward to another sewing night with my blogging friends. Thanks for hosting it, Cheryll.
WOW I cannot believe this will be the last meet up for 2014...
And WOW again for 2015!! OMG!! that sounds so strange!
Looking forward to sharing what I am doing Friday.. I am hoping to be all set up for something festive ;)
Oooh sadly I must be one of 'those' odd folk that dont like fruit cake! Saying that though I do like the mixture its baked in! So enjoy your fruit cake and maybe I will make some spiced Christmas fairy cakes for me! :)
Cannot wait to hop about and see what everyone is up to.. its so much fun.
I would just like to add on here.. the time that I have been joining in with this I can honestly say its been a lot of fun. And I Thank You Cheryll for organizing it all :)
Wishing you all Happy Christmas and lots of festive stitching and creating ..
Smiles :)
It only seems like it was FNwF for November. I'm looking forward to some nice relaxed sewing on Friday after the rush to make sure all of my swaps were shipshape last month.
I'm really looking forward to it again!
Awesome prize Chez xx
See you Friday! xx
Looking forward to Friday already! Got lots ready to be stitched so no excuses for not having a productive evening. Might try the whole sewing in both hemispheres approach. Wonder if I can stay awake long enough let alone hold a needle. Time will tell.... See ya Friday.... :o)
I will join in on the fun even though the only stitching I do is cross stitching :-)
I am meeting friends for dinner and drinks on Friday night, but it is pretty early. I will stitch as soon as I get home!
Seems like only yesterday i was signing up for November. Looking forward to sewing with you. Hugs,xx
See you Friday night.
Always enjoy sewing along with my friends, thank you Cheryll for organising us all year.
Been a great year of sewing with friends
I will be there for the last one
My goodness! That's come around again quickly :-/ lol.
See you Friday night, I'll be nibbling on some gingerbread and sipping a latte while I'm stitching :) Barb.
See ya there!!!! Get the choccies ready x
I'll be home from holidays and finishing off my bags for XMAS presents. Thankyou for letting me join in.
I'll bring some cheese to go with your fruit cake xx
Thank you Cheryll, I love stitching with everyone else. That Chookshed pattern is adorable!! xx debbie
ooh yum, I love fruit cake!! might have to make some-maybe next week. I'll also be celebrating the end of school for another year, last day tomorrow.
I can't believe how quickly 2014 has flown by! It's been ages since I joined in sewing on Friday night but I've got a plan and a goal so I thought I'd sit and sew with everyone. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone ends up working on.
I'll be joining in with a couple of friends...see you there.
Lovely prize!! Will be joining in, though making secret sewing ;) ... Thought I should join in properly (as in blog and everything, lol!) this time as it's the last for the year *sniff* :/
Sue and Tracee will be over soon. It's fish n chips weved with a good dose of chatter and stitch followed by choices and fresh fruit! See you there!
Thanks for hosting all year Cheryll. So happy to be joining you again tonight. Just made it. Storm just happening here so hope we don't lose power. Hugs......
I will be joining in tonight with my crib quilt regards ofaigh
I will be joining in tonight regards ofaigh
I think I will have to join up next year. You make lovely things..
I'll be there, see you tonight!
OOOOps, nearly forgot to sign up! My Christmas stitching is finished so I have a couple of Dear Jane blocks to tackle. xx
Sorry Cheryll, I am so keen, I have put myself on your list twice, LOL! Feel free to delete me once :-)
See you tonight!
I will definitely be sewing today. . . .have a deadline for tomorrow!! LOL
Just need to make sure that I have my camera & take pics to post.
Whatever happened to November? lol Thank you so much for organising this again! Love the Chookshed pattern. Mind you, it's hard not to love anything by the Chookshed!
I've sign for Friday night, I will work for some friday evening but otherwise it will be fun. I' m looking forward to it. Jaana
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