The pattern is in her book called Winsome Baby... by Art to Heart.

YoU are very welcome to join in as well ...& you could WiN a lovely "pin" too.
Thanks Sharon for the motivation...
I'll be over at months end to "link up".
I loved making this "Spit Happens" bib soooo much...
I decided to make 2.
ooOOhh... Double Delight... 1 for the NeW baby & 1 for my Miss S.
I hope everyone who joined in this month at Friday Night with Friends...had a wonderful time & achieved what you set out to do. If not... well... there is always tonight... lol
I'll be over to your blog sometime over the weekend... Happy Saturday
I'll be over to your blog sometime over the weekend... Happy Saturday
They must be a fast finish to get two done. I had a great night quilting thanks, and still many more to come.
Soo cute Chez regards ofaigh
Sooo cute indeed!
I don't blame you for a quick and cute finish.
Amazing how you can churn up 2 of them in 1 night-- I knew I was slow when I sew-- but I must be Very slow! Those bibs are gorgeous. Thanks for hosting another FnwFs-- I must take some photos and do a blog post later today.
Very sweet... thanks for a great night of sewing
love that bib... both of them
Gorgeous bibs
So cute, love them !!
Love it! I find making multiples is quicker than just doing one :) Barb.
So very Nancys books x
Hello Cheryll,
Lovely bibs and so useful for a little one. Thanks for hosting Friday Night with Friends.
Happy days.
Lol, love the bibs.
Love the spit happens!!
hi Chez,oh my they are so cute,I am so off track with my Nancy books,these have turned out so nice,well done Dory.xx
Such cute bibs.. Lucky Mums to receive them.
Loving these bibs. Think I'll have to add them to my 'some time in the future' list.
Very cute...thanks for hosting FNWF, it was my first ever and I'm feeling motivated!!
Those bibs are too cute.
Those are the most adorable bibs!
That bib is adorable.
Adorable bibs! What new mom wouldn't want one? Thanks for sharing on Stitchery Linky.
Those bibs made me giggle Cheryll... they are so cute. I had a lovely time sewing along with everyone on Friday.... thanks for making it possible. Didn't get any apricot slice though.... drat! xxx
What an adorable bib! It is entirely too cute. Fantastic finish!
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