Friday, March 15, 2019

LGS... take 2

I received a wonderful NaME BaDGe from Vickie...
I've added a pic of past badges too...
The MuG BaG with "goodies" hidden inside that I received in the secret swap...
A few "bits" of fabric I managed to bring home...👀
A couple of NeW patterns were purchased...
And a group photo of the girls at LeTs GeT STiTcHeD 2019.
With lots of wonderful memories made with lovely talented ladies...

* * * * *


Pink Rose said...

Good morning Chertil we sure did have a wonderful time with amazing friends. Love the name badge and what a wonderful collection of name badges.
Lots of lovely purchases,will miss you next year my friend xx

Fiona said...

Lots of lovely goodies..... great memories

Linda in Arkansas said...

What fun to get together with friends. Don't they look like a friendly bunch? I love the new patterns. Now those look like they will be fun to make.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Great memories you have made Cheryll...Love all your loot and your collection of past badges is lovely xx

Vireya said...

Lots of lovely goodies. The Cheshire Cat name badge is wonderful! Looks like everyone was having fun.

Susie H said...

How fun and such nice goodies to remember such!

Karen S said...

It always looks like so much fun. Lovely gifts all round.