Friday, May 1, 2020

WeeK 6... PhYsiCaL DiSTanCinG

My cubbyhole is a little less cramped now with ALL the sewing that's been going on. I have a lot more cupboard space... however ... I don't have ANY empty boxes.
WhY is THaT?
Most quilters will have their own answer to that question... but mine is...
 a never ending passion for cutting up fabric & creating something new...💭

Anyways... this week I managed to sew a few "string" blocks together... 15 in fact.
That leaves 20 to go...🧵
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Both DD's wanted a machine cover... so it was a great opportunity to make them one during this lock down. DD#1 wanted hers featuring black dotty fabric...
while DD#2 wanted a more modern patchwork look.
I worked on DD#1 first... as I had the fabric she wanted in my stash.
It's my design... simple but effective AnD... most importantly... DD#1 loves it.

DD#2 fabric arrived (courtesy of the postie) so I made a start on her's too...
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And hubby has been keeping busy too... PaiNTinG...
Not his favourite job... BuT it has helped pass the time...& it's clean & fresh inside.
In this pic he was just about to start the entry...
This is mentioned only as a record of our time spent in lock down during Covid-19.
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  1. Good morning Chez wow i love K's sewing machine its fantastic and cant wait to see the other one sewn up. Good to see the Mr is keeping out of mischief ,we are freezing down here today is going to be a top of 7degs lol,so the wood fire is going flat out,lol,we need to paint here too but its too cold,happy sewing today my friend xx

  2. I love the tailored look of the machine cover. No wonder DD#1 loved it. Well done Hubby on tackling the painting.

  3. Empty cupboards! You must be doing a lot of cutting.
    The finished machine cover looks great. That fabrics looks wonderful.
    Loving the start tot he second one. So different!
    Great chance to get the painting done, too.

  4. It's funny how the boxes never seem to empty isn't it.... great time to be sewing and I love the very glamorous machine cover.. the 'sew' tag is just perfect... well done to hubby for getting on with the painting...

  5. Don't think any of us manage to have empty boxes, lol...
    Always great to make string blocks and I love DD1s machine cover. Did you have a pattern??
    Look forward to seeing the next one..
    Great job on the painting hubby....

  6. What a smart machine cover. Thank goodness we live in a bungalow and I dont have to climb a ladder to decorate! xx

  7. Great job on the machine cover!

  8. Sewing & patchwork are a never ending cycle I think!!!
    I love the "SEW" on the machine cover - is that from a fabric?? (My initials - hence the question). The cover looks great. One day I should think about making myself a new cover for the machine I have now.
    and I see you paying a tribute to hubby for painting. Good on him. I don't like painting much either - esp the edges!!!
    Take Care

  9. Great machine cover. As you say, very effective.
    Good on your hubby for keeping himself busy.

  10. You daughter's sewing machine cover looks great and the fabrics for the second one is super cheery...just what we need at this time. That is a tall entry! Your hubby is brave.

  11. Very snazzy new sewing machine covers....clever Mum! Nothing like a coat of fresh paint x

  12. Such a great sewing machine cover! Getting tempted to make one for my overlocker as it didn't come with a cover. I hope the painting is going well x


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I may not always respond BuT I do love reading what you wrote... xox