Saturday, May 2, 2020

WOOFA ufo... #5

I listed this project for March ... but that never happened... but I did manage to make a start on it in April.
I'll be trying to finish this "challenge" project during the month of MaY...

AnD... seeing it was FNwF last night...
I pinned the last few blocks (perhaps overkill but I find it easy this way)... 
then sewed the curve... nice & steady...
and before I knew it I had ALL the blocks together...
24 of 24.
Hopefully you will set your goal for the month too... then...
we'll have a get together at months end to show our achievements...

If you would like to enjoy some eye candy... simply visit the blogs listed...
HeRe... at FNwF.
* * * * *


  1. any progress during the month is progress... I like lots of pins in those blocks too...
    Thanks for having us and have a lovely weekend....

  2. Good job
    Nice to sew with you once again

  3. This quilt is going to be a stunner. Thanks for hosting last night.

  4. Your drunkards path blocks have made me think that I need to give this block ago.

  5. Good work getting all your blocks done. Will be great to see your progress...
    Must work on my WOOFA project too..

  6. Hi Chez wow this quilt will look amazing the colours are stunning and well done you for getting all the blocks done stay safe my friend xx

  7. Nice work on your Drunkards path - what gorgeous fabrics. xx

  8. This is going to be a pretty one - love the colors!

  9. Wow! That was quick! 24 blocks in one evening? You are amazing! You're my role model now! Stay well!

  10. Great to get all the blocks ready and done! Looking good.

  11. Speedy work getting all those blocks sewn together in one night! x


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I may not always respond BuT I do love reading what you wrote... xox