Monday, July 11, 2022

I'm Off...

 on holidays that is...😉😋 🚗⛺✈   woohoo...

But before I packed the caravan and our suitcase, I managed to complete the last few QAYG strip blocks. This will be last charity quilt of this type for awhile. 
Of course I still have to join all the blocks together once I return home.

I've had a small project in mind for some time so wanted to get it finished before I left. It's a small hanging scissor keep to go on the Exhibition SaLe table.
It's a very easy pattern by Vickie Purnell that's been around since 2008.

There is a free pattern on YouTube called DIY Compact Folding Bag.
To trial making it, I used "ugly" fabric & although I didn't have any of the correct elastic... it turned out pretty well. It's a handy bag (which opens up to a good size) to throw inside your handbag for any "Just-in-case" times.

I prepared a few on the go projects to take away with me. 
I like to sit & do something with my hands so these will keep me busy. 
I also have a few books 📚 to read... & some wool 🧶 to knit.
This holiday is just what the doctor ordered... ReST & ReLaXaTion for HuBBy...

<><><> AND <><><>

I'll still be hosting Friday Night with Friends on August 5th...
so be sure to link up on Wednesday 3rd.
See you all then...

<> <> <> <> <>


Vireya said...

Bon voyage!

Karen's Korner said...

Safe travels and enjoy your break. Love the "just in case" bag.

Lin said...

Two great small finishes and the handy bag does indeed look very handy! Have a wonderful holiday. xx

Susie H said...

You must've been a Girl Scout -- so prepared! Haha! Have a great time!

Helen said...

I'm sure it will be good to get away.... nice projects there as well..... enjoy....

cityquilter grace said...

love the string fact have never seen one that i didn't love...enjoy the R&R