Tuesday, September 26, 2023

ReaDY to MaKE a DiFFeRenCe

My cubbyhole was overflowing with fabric & projects... sound familiar?
Well, after completing 5 quilts lately, I got to thinking that I really enjoyed the extra space... so I set about putting projects into two piles, both for upcoming retreats. Next I organised a bucket full of "Guild" sewing day projects & also a bag of projects that I could complete ASAP
I find myself enthused to get lots of sewing done & keep my cubby space FREE.

First project... Two Needle Cases - embroidered while on holidays... completed ✅
Second project... Boomerang Bags (free at supermarkets, washed then returned)... 7 completed ✅
Third project... Using donated part-made blocks I added trams & borders for size. After quilting it using a leaf design, I now have another community quilt...✅
Now to choose what to work on next ?
* * * * *


Lin said...

Great finishes Cheryll - good to free up some space. xx

Jeanna said...

Those are some great projects, Cheryll. And you finished FIVE quilts recently? You are on a roll.

Karen's Korner said...

It is always a good feeling to move items to the finish line.

kiwikid said...

Well done, always great to get projects finished.

Maria said...

You’ve done a great job with finishing the lovely needle cases, the great boomerang bags as well as another quilt.

Karen S said...

You really have been motivated to get sewing.
Great to see so many projects finished.