Saturday, June 8, 2024

Xmas Progress

DD#2 & myself need another stocking as there will be a new bub at Xmas. 
Mine is in green while DD wanted neutral so chose turquoise.
DD's one is cut out & ready to go, but mine was started.
So after using Teena during the morning to pass a rainy day away, I changed to this project to work on at FNwF last night.
Just needs the top sewn on now.
I'll wait for bub to arrive to add the name to "both" stockings.
I'll be over soon to check out what YOU worked on.
Hopefully you all had FuN.


Jeanette said...

Cute stocking Cheryll.

Lin said...

That stocking is gorgeous! xx

Fiona said...

Cute stocking... how fun to have another bub to sew for!

Karen S said...

That is a gorgeous stocking.

Maria said...

Gorgeous stocking…