Friday, September 13, 2024

Little by Little...

I started working/playing on a baby play/floor quilt again.
Its been hanging on the design wall for a year & a half, so it was time to
"get it done".
I started by stitching several appliqué pieces that needed the edges secured... 
then I added a "small center piece" to join the rows...
Now I'm working on the last piece to be added to one side.
I can see a flimsy finish that's NoT TOO far into the future...
* * * * *


Lin said...

I do love a spotty fabric! You will soon get to the point where you can't put it down! xx

Maria said...

Looking good and spots always make a nice baby quilt.

Susan said...

Looking very pretty - a year & a half onthe wall?? you must have plenty of space...mine would have been bundled up into a box by now...Seems like you are now "into it" and will forge ahead.

Susie H said...

Alphabet & polka dots. Perfect for a baby quilt!