Friday, January 31, 2025

SMaLL ProJecTs & Two Quilts...

DD#1 asked me to make small circular pouches for the Netball team she coaches.
These junior players can put their earrings/rings inside to keep them safe.
I used the production line method as I sewed in ALL 15  zips... 
then I stitched the pouches... & once they're were ALL made, I overlocked the inside to tidy the lining. 
I added small hooks so the pouches can attach to the girls bags... 
& DD#1 will add individual names to the back.
All 15 pouches were finished... phew... so I posted them off last Tuesday...
I loaded & quilted another small community flimsy on Teena.
I've had this fabric in my stash for ages & thought it time it was used.
A small child will be able to snuggle under it & smile I hope.
I also managed to quilt another flimsy I finished during January too.
After not being interested in my sewing for over 3 months due to sickness... 
I'm certainly making up for lost time.
I used a light thread on the back to show up the quilting.
Don't know if it was a good idea or not... but I wanted to try it...
* * * * *


Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Those pouches are a wonderful idea. Quilts are looking fantastic. You've been a busy lady.

Janice said...

The quilts have turned out so well. They will be much appreciated. What a fantastic idea to have pouches for the girls.

Maria said...

Fantastic pouches you made for the girls…
Both quilts will be loved by little ones.

Narelle said...

Those little pouches are such a great idea!
Gorgeous little quilts ... I like the quilting standing out on the back x

kiwikid said...

The pouches are a great idea, well done that is a lot of sewing.
The quilts will make a little one very happy.

Lin said...

Gosh! All those little pouches the same - I hate doing two of anything the same. So useful though, a great idea. Two lovely quilts too. xx

Helenchaffin said...

Precious quilts!

Susie H said...

Great job, Cheryl! I can't believe you put out those 15 pouches so quickly. It would have taken me at least a month to make all those. I have zipper-phobia! Lol!

Fiona said...

Those circular pouches are a great idea for the team... and I love that they have a little latch on them to keep them safe. Great little quilts....Glad you are getting your love for sewing back.... some of these illnesses really knock one back...

Karen S said...

Looks like you have been sewing flat out to catch up on projects.
The pouches are a wonderful idea. I am impressed with you making 15 of them.
The two quilts are full of colour and look like a lot of fun. Great finishes.

Michelle Ridgway said...

What a fab idea. Must remember that for my little netballer. Lovely little quilts xx