Thursday, February 13, 2025

My WeeK

 I started off by making 4 x "triple" scissor keepers...
Then I loaded a flimsy onto Teena. 
This will be donated as another Community quilt.
I'm sure this "farmyard" quilt will bring a smile to a little persons face.
I also finished 2 (10 inch x 8 inch) zipper pouches that were made from scraps.
I added a leather "handmade" tag & a zip pull cord. 
These, along with the scissor keeps, will be on our Guild "sale" table in May.
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Maria said...

You’ve had a busy week Cheryll.
Great scissors keeps and punches for you guild sale and sweet baby quilt.

Janice said...

They are all lovely projects.

Helenchaffin said...

I luv those scissor keepers,I have mine on a wooden mug holder,lots of fun projects & beautiful finishes

Lin said...

Busy, busy! Love the pouches. xx

Karen's Korner said...

Pretty and practical items for the sale table. Well done.

Deb said...

Love the scissor holders, especially the triple one!

Jenny said...

I’m sure everyone will appreciate your donations. The scissor holders are a good idea too

Narelle said...

Ooo, black and green is quite stunning! Lovely pouches and very cute farmyard quilt xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

Great scissor keepers and the quilt is very cute xx