Tuesday, March 25, 2025


 I attended a two day workshop by Lynn Hewett over the weekend.
Lynn demonstrated "Confetti Landscapes" - a technique designed & developed by Noriko Endo. You can visit Noriko Endo HeRe...
It was a NeW-To-Me concept & I thoroughly enjoyed the process.
From cutting.... & I mean a LoT of cutting... to starting the layout...
End of Day One ... first fabric layer on batting with basic design outline.
Then a layer of black Tulle over the top... then some FM quilting...
Day Two... 
Final layer of fabrics... then another layer of black Tulle... then lots & lots of pins...

After lots of FM quilting... then trimming to size... you can add the facing pieces.
It's stitched to the back by hand.

Just one more step & the wall hanger - measuring 15 inch x 18 inch - 
will be complete & ready to hang.

After a little extra embellishing... it's DoNe.
* * * * *


Janice said...

How clever, but it does look like a lot of work. One to proudly hang on the wall.

Susie H said...

That is truly beautiful! I didn't know how it was going to turn out as I was reading along but -- WOW!!! Great job!

Maria said...

A lot of work but a lovely finish . Will look great on your wall.

kiwikid said...

Beautiful finish

Lin said...

Stunning! What a great workshop. xx

Karen's Korner said...

WOW. Amazing piece of work.

Susan said...

Love it Cheryll...its the FMQ that holds me back from this sort of thing.