PLeAsE ReAd On:
I know that I have a few swaps going on at the one time, some even overlap and you may frown with frustration. But I've realised that many crafters like to do swaps and would like them to be different things. It's a chance to trial new techniques and small projects "out of your comfort zone". Some have emailed me saying they don't quilt, some say they prefer embroidery and some like to applique... so I'll try to make the swaps a little different every time. Now of course you are welcome to be in ALL of the swaps but I know that some of you will only be in one and some won't overlap swaps ...and that's fine.....but please feel free to drop in and out of the swaps as you see fit. Of course once you've signed up you MUST fulfil your commitment otherwise your partner will be broken hearted.
To help you keep in touch with the swaps you have elected to join, I've added a PAGE TAB on top of this blog "SWAPS on the GO", where I'll link to details of the swaps for you to refer to and place reminders of mailing timelines. I'll also add a list of the names of swap sisters. That way, if you're interested, you can see who's in each swap.
I hope this HeLPs to ease confusion and any frustration.
Come on... give a swap a go... it really is a lot of FuN!
Please feel free to advertise the swaps... the more the merrier... and some of YoUr friends or followers may like to join in.
Details for this swap..... NeXt WeeK!

How organized you are. I love tracking my hot pad with USPS - it is now 'on the plane' - well, the plane must have landed, just not logged yet. How exciting that package will be opened soon.
Hi Cheryl
What a great idea, I would love to add the quilting block swaps Australia swaps buttons to this list if thats ok. The codes for the buttons are on each of the blogs but I think you have to do this for me as I cant post on your blog. Appreciate your support xx
I am still in for the season swap as I was in the first one right? (Clip Cafe blog) :-)
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