I was inspired by "The Easter Bunny" by Melinda Storey, from Patchwork & Stitching Vol 3 No 12.
There is a story behind the inflated bunny. She came all the way from New Mexico (USA) to Australia and I've had her in my company for 33 years. Yes it was 1978 when then fiance' came out of a little store with her under his arm with a bag of M&M's (unknown to me at that stage) and said Happy Easter my LoVe! And so every year she and M&M's have brightened our Easter!
A face only a any MoThEr would LoVe!
By now all the lovely ladies in Lets Exchange #2 should have received an email with their "secret" partner's details. If by some chance you haven't,,,,, please let me know. You have a month to work your magic because mailing deadline is
May 15th, 2011.
Very cute Easter table xxx
I love the story about the inflated bunny and the M&M's! I think we all have our little stories. Thanks for sharing yours!
Cheryll love the story about the inflated bunny and m&ms so cute wish my DH was that romantic,lol,its the little things that mean so much.
Your easter 12" mini is so cute you have inspired me now to do table runners for special days though that wont be until next year but i love how you decorated for every special day.
Your new bunny is very cute and I loved the story about the inflatable bunny and the M&M's.
Your Easter quilt is so cute I just love it. Oh my I forgot about those inflatable bunnys I had one when I was little. Your love story is so sweet.
Cute easter quilt, and table - love the inflatable bunny, we used to have one, haven't seen him in ages. Your blocks are really pretty, love the red white and aqua!
I love the story about your inflated bunny. Is so sweet and romantic. Your Easter decorations are look so nice. Thank you again for your lovely block.
Very cute cotton tail and lovely story about inflated bunny.
Oh a lovely story.Thanks for sharing with us and your bunnies are just darling..Hope you have a happy easter Cheryll.
Your little Easter bunny wall hanging is sweet and I love the inflated bunny with a lovely history behind him :-)
Love the inflatable bunny story. I also like your swap blocks especially the pink and burgundy one.
Your little mini Easter quilt is adorable! I'm surprised that your little inflatible bunny is still able to hold air after all these years but what a wonderful memory she holds :)
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