Friday, April 27, 2012

WaNNa JoiN In ?

Click on the TAB on my header or the pic on my sidebar... for details.

Please don't let me play alone.....

Can you please help me spread the word... 
even if you're NOT interested.
Thanks ...


Fiona said...

would love to join....

Cheryll said...

Thanks Fiona... now I won't be lonely! :)

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I put the button up on my side bar and will add a blip in my next post - yes, I would be interested in joining.

Anonymous said...

oh Chez i am so excited about this one,please sign me up i will post about it tomorrow for

Larissa said...

Sounds like a great idea! ... The smaller size sounds perfect for me at this time!! Really wanted to join in with the OASS, but couldn't justify it, what with all the ideas I came up with and a few other things going on. I would, however, love to make a mini though!!!

~Xo said...

Hi Cheryll,
I'll help you spread the word!

Pauline G said...

Would love to join this group -just the right size to keep me on track!

Leo said...

I'm really sorry to let you down - even though I would love to join I already am in a "mini" swap and in my current beginners state I can't manage more than one a month ... but maybe later if the things turn out the way I want them to on the first try and noth the third.

Quilting Chemist (Danette) said...

I would love to join in the fun! I'll put your button on my blog and do a post this weekend. My scroll frame has had the same mini quilt for five months!

Helen said...

Sounds very interesting, the size is just great too.


Helen said...

Forgot to ask, how often would the swaps be ?


Melody said...

This sounds like lots of fun - I'll blog about it tomorrow.

Cheryll said...

You don't have to go in each swap... just whenever you want & if the theme suits you.
How often?.. depends on interest... but for the special occasions thru the year perhaps... and if any cute patterns takes my focus.

Cheryll said...

You would be welcome AnYTiMe !

Christine M said...

Count me in!

Allie said...

Not joining but I'll put the button on my blog!

Lyn said...

I came across from Shez' blog, she has done a great post which has got me interested..I would like to join in please...this will push me in a new direction..

Quilt Kitty said...

Count me in too Cheryll, that sounds like a gorgeous thing have on the entry hall table. Now to find a stand. Tracee xx

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

woops, did a post yeaterday but forgot to come back and officially join in the fun. Please also count me in and like Tracee, now I need to find a stand :o)

Helen said...

Yep I need to find a stand too, this will be fun.


Wilma Lee said...

I would like to play. I have the stand and only 1 small thing to hang, lol. I couldn't find a place to register or anything. Thanks.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Is it too late for me to join Cheryll...

Linda Coleman said...

if it's not too late I'd like to join the mini swap if you will allow someone from Ireland to join in

RandR Serenity said...

Hi Cheryll,
Not sure if I have already signed up for this one?
If not please allow me to join,if it is not too late.

Anonymous said...

I would love to join in on this swap. Do I sign up for each month or am I registered for each one? Can I still do May or should I wait till June? I do not have a blog and I can't post that ok?