Saturday, January 4, 2020

STaRTinG "WooFa" & FNWF

It's a new month... in a new year ... so I've picked my WOOFA project for January.

WOOFA... Working On Or Finishing A... 
project or UFO
You can read all about this "challenge"... HeRe
AnD it's NoT too late to join in either...

I've chosen #1... the Night Before Christmas wall quilt this month.
I sent the top to Miss Fiona (earlier)  to custom quilt it as it's been hanging around here for years & I was NeVeR going to get to it.
I'll need to add the binding once it's returned... so I 'll make it now & have it all ready & waiting.
I think I'll make the label as well... so my 1st challenge has started... yippee...

How about you?    Will you be ready this month to start your WOOFA challenge...?
I'll show my progress by the end of the month.

Last night at FNwF... I made another ELF cushion.
DD#2 wanted one as she LoVeD my JoLLy the Elf... shown last month... HeRe
This little JoLLy FeLLa has a long wait until next December though...


  1. I do like your elf.
    The beauty of living in NZ is that even though my Friday night is over, it's still Friday night somewhere for most of my Saturday, so I get to carry on FnwFing! LOL

  2. Such a cheery little fellow ... I forgot all about Friday night, sorry :(
    Will did out my first WOOFA today xx

  3. Gorgeous elf. Can't he stay out of the cupboard for a little while? Must be boring for him to wait a whole year.

  4. He's gorgeous. I can see why DD2 wanted one as well. Good luck with your WOOFA quilt.

  5. Cute little Elf and I can see why there was a request for another. Have a great weekend!

  6. Good luck with your challenge. Your elf cushion looks great. xx

  7. I can see why DD#2 wanted an Elf cushion - very cute x

  8. Your WOOFA is pinned and ready for some action..... love the elf... so full of character...

  9. Very cute and one gift done very early in the year too.

  10. I think I have a few WOOFA moments coming up this year as well. Good Luck


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