Monday, November 9, 2020

Dangerous Sites

Is anyone else having trouble accessing blogs that are known to them AND are simply NoT dangerous?

Nortons Safe Search categized my BLOG as DaNGeRouS until I contacted them... & they changed it immediately... but I am still unable to visit some of my regular blogs... because of their "category".

Can you check your "rating" on the web bar you use to see 
if you are a ✅... ❔... or a ❌... or is it just when I use the Nortons search bar?

Some blogs are good... but others are rated ❌and blocked to me???
and I know they are all OK... it's just a tad frustrating to say the least... 😒

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marina said...

I have had the same issue with norton!

Vireya said...

I don't use Norton, so can't offer any clues, sorry.

Karen's Korner said...

I do not use Norton but my blog and many others are marked "not secure" and have been for sometime. I have taken the chance and nothing has happened yet. Technology!!!!!!!

Cheryll said...

Yes it’s VERY annoying. Hope it gets fixed sooner rather than later...

Cheryll said...

It’s a nuisance isn’t it. I know the blogs are safe for the ones I know the owners... but I don’t like that they have decided to rate some blogs dangerous. Makes it harder to trust their advise.

Jeanette said...

I don't use Norton either & like Karen have noticed "not secure" coming up on blogs. Haven't had anything happen so it's a puzzle. Hugs, xx

Janice said...

I haven’t seen that as yet. I use Norton, but big their search bar. How frustrating!

Maria said...

I also don’t use Norton but I’ve noticed “not secure “ on blogs for a long long time but so far no probs...
Hope you sort it soon.

Chookyblue...... said...

I got rated and blocked to. Peed me off well and truely. Not satisfied with there answer for mine either.......

kiwikid said...

Have noticed some blogs are unsecure but no other problems so far.

Michelle Ridgway said...

I don't use Norton but blogs I have followed for years and that follow back have their comments go to my junk I have to keep a check.....WEIRD!