Saturday, September 7, 2024

My FNwF...

I haven't found my MoJo yet after being away for so long... I can't seem to settle on any one project... BuT I did manage to  PLaY  with an orphan block last night.
A little quilting & a little prep work for applique was all I could manage.
Oh well... at least it's something.
I hope you all accomplished more than I did... 😢

You can see what others got up to via this blog... HeRe 
OR by visiting Facebook... FNwF


Lin said...

The quilting on your kaleidoscope block look lovely and that is going to be a very pretty flower. xx

Karen's Korner said...

Pretty orphan block and flower.

Jeanna said...

Goodness, Cheryll. I know exactly how you feel. I just finished a big stitching project and haven't done anything but clean house since!