Wednesday, July 31, 2019

OPAM for JuLy

My ThanKs go to Kris for hosting this One Project a Month group each month.
Working the numbers, keeping score & us up to date must be a mammoth task.
You can visit KriS... HeRe...

I finished 5 projects this month... so I'm a HaPPy little stitcher.
* * * * *


Maria said...

Well done ! Five great finishes....

Pink Rose said...

Hi Chez i love your beautiful finishes especially the wreath and Archer's name blocks,well done my friend xx

My Arty-Farty Happy Place said...

Cheryll, what a lovely range of projects for July - I especially love the little monkeys.

Janice said...

Go you! All great finishes to have.

kiwikid said...

Well done, wonderful finishes.

Karen S said...

Lots of great finishes!

Bethan said...

Lovely finishes - the wreath is my favourite!